Don’t Make These Five Mistakes

We probably haven’t seen it all, but darn near close. We have a lot of experience going to weddings. We’ve seen what makes for a great day, and what can take away from what should be one of your all time favourite moments of your life. We want everyone to have a wedding that they love looking back on— because we know when you’re having a great day, the photographs and films are just that much sweeter.

  1. Not Doing What You Love

Everyone has their own ideas for your wedding. Mothers, mother-in-laws, bridesmaids, sisters — even us. You want your wedding day to be a reflection of your priorities and tastes. Trends and traditions come and go but you will remember your wedding forever, make sure to fill your day with what you love!


2. Cramming the Day Too Full

If you don’t give yourself this time, you may end up feeling like you didn’t have the time to enjoy each moment. The day always goes by quickly, so it’s important to allow yourself time to sit, breathe, and take it in!


3. Not Prioritizing Comfort

Make sure to bring snacks and water, you will be hungry and/or thirsty at some point during the day!

You will also want to bring a good pair of walking shoes (for summer) or boots (for snow)— trust us your feet will thank you. We can make sure to hide them under your dress, or you can change back to your regular shoes when we finish walking.


4. Too Much DIY

We’ve heard it too many times: “It sounded like a good idea at the time.” I think hearing this one time is one time too many. Over committing to time sensitive day of tasks could rob you from enjoying the day it’s supposed to be.

We are all for doing things yourself but recommend you make a plan to get everything done a few days before, and to delegate as much as you can on the day of so you can enjoy your day!


5. Thinking Everything has to be Perfect

At the end of the day the most important thing is that you two get married! It’s ok if things run a little bit behind, or maybe we get some rain— everything will be ok. You will never regret letting go and enjoying the day as it unfolds!


Let Them be Kids


SWP Episode 010